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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Postponing, just a little..

Things often take longer than I plan.

I sometimes I work better under pressure and sometimes I break down.

While I have not yet broken down I also don't feel I'd be doing my best job by rushing things. So... I am setting a new time frame. This change of date was in fact forced upon me by a conflicting schedule/event but as I tried to juggle event times around and virtually be in two places at once, I found it was a relief to give in. This means the pattern will have to wait a little longer. But really a few weeks is far shorter than the years I once thought I'd have to wait before starting this adventure.

The new release date and PARTY will be April 6th... There is a chance I will announce them for sale before that date, but that is the official, get-it-done-or-else date! And more importantly the PAR-TAY!!!

What are the other upcoming events? Well, I just found out that on Saturday, March 9th my biggest little lady will have her first opertunity to dance on a stage in her bonus ballet/tap class..

Than later that day I'll head to the shoppe to help celebrate our 5th year of business at our White Wedding themed event. We give away a TON of beautiful fabric that day. And I may... just may.. have a limited supply of first print patterns at that time. But we'll have wait and see about that last part..

Until then I'll be working out all the important little details. Crossing my "t"s and dotting my "i"s.

>>-------}> Stay tuned.

Postponing, just a little.. Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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